How to Whiten Your Teeth?

How to Whiten Your Teeth?

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Are stained or yellow teeth a reason for you to feel conscious? Many people have discolored teeth due to either drinking coffee or tea, smoking, or just old age coming up on them. Consult with professionals for teeth whitening, especially if you are looking into Smile Designing in Mumbai or Smile Designing in Dadar West. This will help keep your smile bright and confident with professional teeth whitening done in-house at Smile Again Dental Clinic.

Best Ways to Whiten Your Teeth
There are various procedures of dental whitening, from an in-office professional whitening to home care use. Of all these whitening types, however, professional treatment is considered the best in terms of safety and effectiveness results. Following are the top choices:

1. In-Office Professional Whitening
✔ Quick and effective – Single visit can lighten your teeth by several shades.
✔ Safe and supervised – Performed by well-trained professionals that minimize risks of experiencing sensitivity.
✔ Long lasting results - Effects can last for months after care.

How It Works:

High concentration whitening gel applied over your teeth;
Activate anti-deep stain light on the gel activates;
The session takes about an hour at Smile Again Dental Clinic and provides instant results.
2. Take-Home Whitening Kits
✔ Convenient-bespoke trays of relief keep within your home's comfort.
✔ Gradual Brightening-the effects become visible in the course of a few weeks.
✔ Safe Formula-dentists provide which assure better results than any store bought kit.

How It works:

The custom-fitted trays and whitening gel are given by the dentist.
You wear the trays at specified times a day for about 1-2 weeks.
3. Whitening Toothpaste and Strips
Big savings-available at your local store for using them every day.
Mild Whitening-these toothpastes not only help remove superficial surfaces stains but do not provide a deep whitening effect.
Best for Maintenance - these work best after professional whitening to maintain the brightness.


Time element for generating results.
Sensitivity on teeth resulting from overuse.
How Can Whitened Teeth Be Maintained?
Brush and floss regularly to avoid the formation of new stains.
Avoid dark-hued drinks, for example, coffee, tea, or red wine.
Drink using a straw to reduce staining by beverages.
Have a professional touch up whenever required in Smile Again Dental Clinic.

For rapid and visibly noticeable results within the shortest possible time, turn to professionals for teeth whitening. If you intend Smile Designing in Mumbai or Smile Designing in Dadar West, allow Smile Again Dental Clinic to provide you with the expert whitening solutions. A brighter, more confident smile awaits with just an appointment!

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